Tour 2023 EN

MusiSHEans Guitar Tour 2023

7.5.23 Dresden, DE – Jazzclub Tonne
9.5.23 Berlin, DE – Petruskirche
10.5.23 Prag, CZ – Café V Lese
11.5.23 Linz, AT – Tribüne
12.5.23 Maisach (bei München), DE – Bräustüberl (Beer & Guitar)
13.5.23 Sempach, CH – Leise Töne
16.5.23 Hannover, DE – Pavillon
17.5.23 Kassel, DE – Kulturzentrum Schlachthof
19.5.23 Ludwigshafen, DE – Das Haus
20.5.23 Freepsum, DE – Kultur Gulfhof
23.5.23 Leipzig, DE – Kulturhof Gohlis
24.5.23 Tübingen, DE – Westspitze • powered by Deutsch-Amerikanisches Institut
26.5.23 Florenz, IT – Six Bars Jail
3.6.23 Redon, FR – P’tit Théâtre de Notre-Dame (Konzert)
4.6.23 Redon, FR – P’tit Théâtre de Notre-Dame (Workshop)

2023 MusiSHEans

Noa Drezner (Israel) – Flamenco

Noa Drezner lived for a decade in southern Spain, where she studied flamenco guitar, played alongside leading artists and participated in countless events and festivals in Spain, Israel and abroad. As a Flamenco guitarist, composer and producer she is one of the few women in her field. Noa brings the warm and authentic sound of the Spanish guitar to new and surprising areas, between Tel Aviv and Cadiz.

Janet Noguera (Mexico/ USA) – Modern Fingerstyle

Playing with an energetic style that incorporates a unique range of rhythmic and fingerstyle techniques, Janet Noguera creates an innovative imaginative, and unexpected soundscape with the acoustic guitar. At age 19, the Acoustic Guitar Magazine featured her as one of the “30 Great Acoustic Guitarists under the age of 30.”

Karlijn Langendijk (Netherlands) – Classical Fingerstyle

Surrounded by acoustic guitar music since birth, Karlijn Langendijk started playing the guitar inspired by her father. Her music is not just happy or sad – she composes all the intricate shades of emotions that people feel really intensely but cannot communicate in words, as can be heard on her new solo album called “Atlas”. As a guitarist & composer, she is fascinated by all kinds of different music genres and she mixes all these together into a completely unique style.

Judith Beckedorf (Germany) – Popfingerstyle & Singer/ Songwriter

Judith Beckedorf is a multi-instrumentalist playing the guitar, mandolin, banjo and being a singer/ songwriter. While developing her own musical expression, she spent some time in Nashville, Tennessee, where American folk music inspired her compositions. On her solo album “Behind The Blue Sea”, thoughts and folky melodies intertwine with snappy grooves and graceful ballads. In her songs the warm tones of her guitar are like a blanket that gently envelops her soft voice, mostly played on her nylon string guitar.